Aug 4Liked by Garth Cartwright

Nice list Garth. A couple more from me.

I know it's totally missing the point of the song, but LDN by Lily Allen still evokes glorious summer days in the the capital for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmYT79tPvLg

And, from a similar era, is the wonderful 'Days Like This' by underrated (and handsome) British soul singer Sean Escoffery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSZtqChhNZg

Sorry for the poor video quality for both. It makes the early 2000s look like the ancient past!


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Thanks Chris. Must admit, I don't know Sean and I can't stand Lily! But I will listen to both.


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By far my favorite version of Summer Breeze. Pure gold performance. The Isleys nail it!

And, another nudge here to keep a playlist going on Spotify! So much easier to enjoy than YouTube!

Thanks, G!

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Thanks Erin. I will soon do a another Yak playlist - good advice! x

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